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Migration is the movement of people from one place of residence to another; in the 21st century we migrate for many reasons such as better opportunities for living, work commitments and family. Or political issues like war, lack of democracy and oppressive laws over self expression and fundamental human rights. 

Migration is a daunting topic, complex and often emotional. Making it a subject with endless sources of possibility for thought-provoking and expressive work. Whilst experimenting with visual and written representations of migration and the body, I found the action of walking a main point of creative expression. Through every form of art used, walking became fundamental in the way my research could be shown. 

Once this became clear it guided the experiments and in turn this visual essay, where I consider three main themes of: Migration and The Body, Migration Through Movement and Migration of Control.

My final outcomes all resemble the action of walking in some way, through photography of printed footsteps and obstacles of control over my walking. Finally, sculptures of my feet to ignite feelings of a person who is, was or meant to be there. Shown in this portfolio are two series combined - Faded Footsteps and The Feet. 

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