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Humans, like many other species experience the world through our senses, most of only consider the five main senses of: sight, touch, smell, sound and taste. But research suggests there are between 9-33 human senses 

Eco-psychologist Michael J Cohen has organised all our senses into 4 categories (Francis, 2020): 

Radiation - sense of colour, mood, temperature. 

Feeling - gravity, air, motion.

Chemical - hormonal, pheromones, hunger. 

Mental - sense of self, pain, friendship. 


Cohen’s point is that we are all sensory creatures... our senses are mechanisms designed to help us survive. . This is why sensory design is so important when considering wellness practice, it considers all aspects of what it takes to be human and thus, can understand how to nurture these aspects. 

These images were created with the consideration of how we interact with the world through out senses, and how they work together to gain a comprehensive understanding. The colours used are supposed to incite a happy and romantic feeling with pinks, and a calming, wellness feeling with blues and greens. When considering the possibilities of using our senses more within everyday life, design and wellness I believe we can harness a new level of health and understanding of ourselves. 

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