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The body art that was created in these images have been achieved to represent the way that our own emotional personality is formed over time from past experiences. The harsh word, social media comments, break-ups and fall outs. The love, forgiveness and patience that develops differently for each person. These make us who we are, how we react and how we feel. You can't physically see the map of whats happened to make us who we are but it is always there underneath. When painting I wanted to create the appearance of our internal bodies, by following the veins in the feet and structure of the leg bone for example; as well as mainly using reds and pinks to give the likeness of muscles and veins. These images were painted, photographed and edited by myself.

This specific area of research fall under the idea of 'Visualising the Internal Body' I discussed on the last blog post. When looking into the concept of our internal bodies, I will be experimenting with making them visually external on the human form. Showing this form of ourselves through photography highlighting our bone structure, using make-up and body art to literally show muscles, sinew, veins and expressive illustrative techniques to artistically show these aspects. To highlight the fragility of the human body in the respect of our internal system, this series shows our anatomical vulnerability. The idea also stems from the concept of thinking that as species we are superior and hugely powerful over others and our planet, despite this we are massively flawed with the fragile design of our bodies. I wanted to use this idea and experimentation with the aim to make people feel more humble, and to be more respectful of our surroundings.

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